

I am Full Stack Developer
who loves to build websites
Want to work with me? Yes I am
currently available

Know about me —



HTML5 CSS3 Javascript Reactjs Angular


Nodejs Expressjs MongoDB AWS


"Music Studio" is a audio pill player where files can be added individually on an audio track,
shifted around in a timeline, and that changes the playback manage their files and folders
FrontEnd: Reactjs
"My Drive" is a MERN stack application with complete user authentication that allows users to upload and
manage their files and folders
FrontEnd: Reactjs
Backend: Nodejs,Expressjs,AWS S3, MongoDB
"Pick Nature" is a MERN Stack ecommerce application where users can buy plants online.
FrontEnd: Reactjs
Backend: Nodejs,Expressjs,MongoDB
"Voice Controlled News App" is a completely voice based news application that reads and
display news on user voice commands.
FrontEnd: Reactjs
Backend: Alan API used for voice recognition.
"URL Shortener" is a full stack application that allows users to shorten long urls.
FrontEnd: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Backend: Nodejs, Expressjs, MongoDB
A blog of complete works that i had done throughout my javascript journey.